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    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    Talk Like a Landlubber Day

    Ahoy matey!

    On Sept. 19, I like to Talk Like a Landlubber while everyone else is Talking Like a Pirate.

    Here's are some of me favorite landlubber lines:

    * Honey, would you stop by the store and get some bread before you pick up junior at his soccer practice?

    * Yes, sir, I'll have the financial statements ready by the end of the day.

    * I prefer the mountains to the ocean.

    God must love those dumb landlubbers. He made so many of 'em!

    Cap'n Billy "The Butcher" MacDougall

    Getting the little powder monkey out of yer bed

    Question: Me little spawn be still sleeping in me cot and he be six years young and I need some space from me little matey. Any answers?

    Answer: I have lots of answers but first ye be needing to actually ASK a question. Have you tried pushing yer little powder monkey out of the cot? That's what I'd do. Either that or set him afloat in a dinghy while he's asleep. Parenting is easy when ye be a pirate.

    Don't let the bilge rats bite,

    Cap'n Billy