What should you do with a drunken teacher?
Just read this in the latest issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education (I was using it to clean the inside of me cannon) and came across this:
"Stacy Snyder, an aspiring teacher who is now 27 years old, was set to graduate last year from Millersville's School of Education. But just days before commencement, campus officials discovered Ms. Snyder's MySpace page -- which featured a photograph of the student wearing a pirate hat and sipping from a plastic cup. The picture's caption read 'Drunken Pirate.'"
"Administrators deemed the image 'unprofessional,' and they refused to award her an education degree and the teaching certificate that came along with it."
I admit, the Mr. Goodbar cup doesn't portrait the rough-and-tumble pirate image, and her hat is a little small, but she can drink like a pirate. So, since her school won't give her an education degree, it's up to me to do so.
I hereby confer on Stacy Snyder, the degree of Doctor of Skullduggery, with a minor in Pillaging. This degree allows her to teach on any accrediated pirate ship in the seven seas. I also give her the pirate name, Stacy "Professor of Pain" Snyder. Congratulations Dr. Snyder! Now go teach some kids how to hornswaggle.
As the co-author of Guide to Pirate Parenting, Dr. Snyder is just the kind of teacher I think parents should look for. She's the perfect addition to the PTA -- Pirate-Teacher Association.
Happy sailing, and don;t let the bilge rats bite,Cap'n Billy the Butcher
I applaud this young mother of two for returning to college and working hard to complete her degree. I applaud Ms. Snyder for holding Millersville University accountable for enforcing such a petty sanction over a pirate costume. And I applaud you for esteeming her with the highest honor of a pirate's degree. Yo ho! Cheers!
You can express your disgust with Millersville and support for Stacy Snyder directly to the Millersville University president: Francine McNairy. Her e-mail is Francine.Mcnairy@millersville.edu . Speak up - or shut up.
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