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    Tuesday, May 6, 2008

    Hush, Little Pirate

    Ahoy, matey!

    Here's a little ditti to sing to yer little power monkeys as they drift off to sleep.

    Hush, Little Pirate (Hush, Little Baby)
    Hush, little pirate, don’t say a word.
    Captain’s gonna buy you a cutlass sword.
    And if that cutlass sword won’t slice,
    Captain’s gonna give you a rope to splice.
    And if that hemp rope gets all frayed,
    Captain’ll take you on a pirate raid.
    And if that pirate raid is foiled,
    Captain’s gonna give you cod-liver oil.
    And if that oil makes you upchuck,
    Captain’s gonna let the crew run amok.
    And when you run, if you fall down,
    Don’t go overboard or you’ll drown.

    Happy sailing and don't let the bilge rats bite,

    Cap'n Billy "The Butcher" MacDougall
    Author, Guide to Pirate Parenting

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